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Re: Challenge to Jim Scotti

Article: <6j1vio$> 
Subject: Re: Challenge to Jim Scotti
Date: 9 May 1998 16:17:28 GMT

In article <j9141.5404$> Greg Neill
>> The Moon does NOT HAVE A CIRCULAR ORBIT, and 
>> thus you MUST address the fact that twice a month, for a 
>> full week, it is LESS THAN 90 DEGREE IN ITS 
>> APPROACH TOWARD THE EARTH, and thus it's 
>> speed would be eroded, as we have stated, and its orbit,
>> according to YOU, and your precious Newton laws, 
>> it would drop toward the Earth. 
> 3. A direction vector of less than 90 degrees (w.r.t. the orbit's
>     radius vector) will cause a body to lose momentum.
> 4. If a body in orbit continually loses momentum, it must 
>     eventually spiral in (fall from orbit).
> Spelled out like this, we can see where Nancy pulls off her 
> miracle of illogic.  She has declared a new law of physics at 
> line number 3, and then invoked it to make her argument.  

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
YOU have not addressed the glaring inconsistency between your orbit
mechanics and your law of gravity!  You apply one, and then the other,
but fail to put them truly together as they don't WORK together!  You
say the orbital mechics work in SUM, to equal x.  You say the gravity
calculations work to equal x.  But apply these so-called laws at each
quarter of the ellipse, and see what happens.  During that period of
time when the Moon is at less than 90 degrees, it is not only drawing
nearer to the Earth, is it also POINTED toward the Earth, rather than
away from the Earth.  As you like to say, it is falling toward Earth at
this time.  

Given that, it suddenly decides to head away from the Earth?  Changes
its angle of orbit so that it is lifting away?  Those little booster
rockets around its middle kicking in, perhaps?  Take that moment just
before perigee is reached, when the angle is less than 90 degrees, when
the effect of gravity is strongest.  Apply your laws of gravity there. 
What force would it take to send an object the size of your Moon away
from Earth, given this situation?  When your satellites fall to Earth,
they are increasing in speed, and this does not save them.  An
increased speed can be expected to propel an object faster in the
direction it is already going in!  Why does it then pull away?  

The fact that the Moon does not drop to Earth in short order is NOT due
to any orbital mechanics held sacred by humans, but due to factors you
have not yet discovered.  This is one way science is supposed to work,
new concepts evolving to address an obvious hole.  That you chose to
close your eyes and be rigid is not science, it is anxiety.  Open up a
bit and THINK!  You're among friends here.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])