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From: Mike 
Date: Wed Sep 3, 2003 9:13 pm
Subject: Vote by Membership requested

After having read the new purpose. I strongly believe removing "Pole 
Shift" words from INCs mission statement and products to be a 
mistake in the long term for all mankind. To remove the time frame is one thing 
but to remove the real purpose for our products is something else. 
Why not stand fast and say what we did was for a pending polar shift 
which some believe will yet happen and some believe will not happen.

I believe the membership vote to have been a bit hasty in collecting 
up all the gradient possibilities that needed to be voted on. I believe 
that if a member doesn't see on the list what he or she can support 
that that person will either not vote or vote for something that 
compromise his or her reality. You may find more votes next time.

I formally request this be readdressed and voted on and that at 
least one option be added to the list. Ultimately, the future of all of TT 
is at stake.

[ ] Generalize the date of the Polar Shift in some places to 
"pending polar shift", in other places remove specific date references, and 
make no other changes.

This can be worded differently if it needs clarification. Any other 
viable options should be added to the list before the vote.
